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Wednesday, November 03, 2004 AD
The Fifth Commandment in Action
I attended Mr. Lindsay’s funeral today. It was one of those home-goings that is more joyous than sad. The honor paid him today by his daughters, his son-in-law, and his many friends painted him as a man I wish I’d known. I only ever met Arlette’s dad a few times, and only after his Alzheimer’s had taken away a good bit of who he’d been. But I learned today that even in his last illness, with his mind as well as his body greatly deteriorated, he would sing in his hospital bed his favorite hymn, “Holy, Holy, Holy.” What a delight to think of him singing it now, “in a nobler, sweeter song,” at the very throne of God.

Arlette’s sister wrote the poem that follows. I half expected, when I saw it in the program, that it would be the treacly sort of thing one often sees in such circumstances, but I actually found it quite lovely, and hope you will, too.
Our Daddy’s Eyes

Daddy’s eyes are very brown
They are kind and strong and wise
According to our Mother,
We have our Father’s eyes.

His eyes could see a way of helping
Anyone who calls.
He always saw the person’s need,
And not the obstacle.

His eyes could see potential
In young lives that he taught,
Whether Boy Scout, athlete or student
The lesson was straight from the heart.

His eyes could see the fun in life,
The simple joys that last,
From the funny cartoon to the joke in the room,
You could hear his infectious laugh.

His eyes could see the worth of friends.
Wherever he would go
He was Pop or Bulldog or Lindsay
He was a good man to know.

His eyes could see that family life
Was something you hold dear.
His Virgie, his Mama, his girls, his grands—
His reason for being here.

But most of all his eyes could see
The way of Christ by grace.
He sang, he served, he worshipped
Because he had great faith.

And now our Daddy’s eyes can see
A glorious new life.
Oh what an honor it is to hear,
“You have your Father’s eyes.”
(Virgie, by the way, is his wife’s name—short for Virginia. “Pop” is a nickname he picked up in high school when he was the only one of his peers who needed to shave. “Bulldog” was also a high school nickname, given in acknowledgement of his presence on the football field.)
Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 11/03/2004 06:59:00 PM • Permalink

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